Esther Nwachukwu, known as Esther Sky, recently made headlines with a startling revelation about her sexual history during an episode of ‘The Honest Bunch.’ When asked about her body count, Nwachukwu admitted she had lost track and estimated it to be over 1,000, possibly reaching as high as 3,000. She stated that she has had sexual encounters with men from various countries, including Nigeria, Cyprus, Turkey, Kenya, and Ghana. Nwachukwu also disclosed that she exclusively engages with married men.
The co-host, Nedu asked: “What is your body count?”
Nwachukwu replied: “I have lost count.”
Nedu: “Is it up to 1,000?”
Nwachukwu: “More than. I turned 30 July 7.”
Nedu: “Give me rough estimate of men you’ve slept with.”
Nwachukwu: “I have lost count of the number of men I had slept with. I can’t even remember.”
Nedu: “Is it up to 3,000?”
Nwachukwu: “It is more than. I’ve slept with men from Nigeria, Cyprus, Turkey, Kenya, Ghana, and more. I don’t sleep with single men, I only have sex with married men.”
Meet Nigerian actress who confessed sleeping with over 3,000 men
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