Actress Bimbo Ademoye recently celebrated a touching moment with her father on Instagram. Amid Nigeria’s fuel scarcity crisis, her father surprised her with five gallons of fuel and a full generator after she mentioned she had run out of fuel. Bimbo shared her gratitude and affection for her father, calling him a significant presence in her life and emphasizing his care and support. In a playful message to her future husband, Bimbo humorously noted that her father’s acts of kindness set a high standard, saying, “You’ve got big shoes to fill!” She assured her future partner that while her father sets a high bar, she is committed to a lasting and supportive relationship. Bimbo also shared a video of her father dancing, affectionately referring to him as “My everything.” This gesture follows her earlier tribute to him, where she honored him with a special song for his birthday in June.
How I managed get five gallons of fuel despite scarcity— Actress, Bimbo Ademoye
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